Christmas at Trinity
We have lots going on at Trinity this Christmas, and we'd love if you'd join us for some, or all of it!
Scroll down or get in touch for more information!
Sunday 19th November: 10:30am, Shoebox Celebration
@Trinity Baptist Church
Saturday 2nd December: 7:00pm, Advent for Women
@Trinity Baptist Church
Sunday 17th December: 10:30am, GodZone Christmas Service
@Trinity Baptist Church
Children aged 3-13 years leading the service and presenting the Christmas Story.
Sunday 17th December, 5:00pm, Carols by Candlelight Service
@Trinity Baptist Church
Sunday 24th December, 10:30am, Christingle Service
@Trinity Baptist Church
Monday 25th December, 10:00am, Christmas Day Service
(This service is 10am, not our usual 10:30am.)
@Trinity Baptist Church
Sunday 31st December, 10:30am, Sunday Service
With a New-Year's Eve Party for Godzone (ages 3-13 yrs) during the service
@Trinity Baptist Church
Sunday 31st December, 11:00pm, Watchnight Service
@Trinity Baptist Church